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Message from the Director

Message from the Director

Kiyoko Yokoyama

The role of universities has been changing in the regional community as well as in international society due to recent globalization through Internet technology. NCU,Nagoya City University, works toward globalization based on clear goals and policies along with original ideas and action plans. More student exchange and joint projects with overseas researchers are required to strengthen our international competitiveness.

The role of universities has been changing in the regional community as well as in international society due to recent globalization through Internet technology. NCU, Nagoya City University, works toward globalization based on clear goals and policies along with original ideas and action plans. More student exchange and joint projects with overseas researchers are required to strengthen our international competitiveness.

The IEC, International Exchange Center, offers opportunities for international experiences to all NCU Japanese students. In addition to study abroad programs with our partner universities, we have internship programs available at international organizations. The students are also supported to join "TOBITATE! Young Ambassador Program Japan" sponsored by MEXT, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

The IEC's support for foreign students includes dormitory management, housing information services, scholarship application assistance, provision of opportunities for local community activities and Japanese classes. We hold "TALK TIME" inviting foreign students to use their mother tongue so that Japanese students can practice foreign languages. Sessions open during lunch hour twice a month and encourage communication between Japanese and foreign students.

Looking globally and obtaining diversified values while in university will surely provide students with irreplaceable assets for their future. The ICE is committed to expanding the international exchange circle at NCU.