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Social Relations Center

The Social Relations Center was established to cooperate with local citizens, communities and companies to promote the contribution to society through services to society in tandem with industry-academic-government cooperation and community oriented education and research.
Based in this center are the Promotion Committee for Industry-Academic-Government Cooperation, the Promotion Committee for Community Cooperation, and the Social Relations Center Conference as an organ to control these two committees.
Established under the Promotion Committee for Industry-Academic-Government Cooperation are the Invention Committee and the Conflict of Interest Committee.
As the gateway to the social relations of NCU, the Social Relations Center is promoting the contribution to society by holding various events to create, control and utilize intellectual property,enlighten the consciousness of faculty members and promote the utilization of the fruits of research and technical seeds, by holding various lectures and implementing projects in cooperation with public administration.

Inventions and patent applications (including design application) for the academic year 2015

Number of notified inventions Number of institutional inventions Number of applied patents
14 14 Japan: 11

Joint researches, contracted researches and academic incentive donations for the academic year 2015

Number Amount of money (in 1,000 yen)
Joint research 33 122,820
Contracted research 226 850,781
Academic incentive donation 559 427,323