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Site Policy

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Site Policy

In operating the Website ("Site"), Municipal University Corporation Nagoya City University ("NCU") has set a site policy as follows:

1. Accessibility and Usability

NCU has built this Site with the ease of use by all viewers, including elderly persons and disabled persons (accessibility), and the viewpoint of users (usability) in consideration

2. Matters Related to Link (Link Policy)

  • (1)NCU assumes no responsibility to any third party's site accessible from this Site through links or any third party's site linked to this Site.

  • (2)NCU assumes no responsibility to any users for damages, including direct damage, indirect damage and loss of intangible damage (e.g., lost earnings, loss of information system program and data thereof), with respect to a third party's site accessible from this Site through link or any third party's site linked to this Site.

  • (3) For access to a third party's site through a link, NCU provides the link to such third party's site only for the convenience of the users. This does not mean that NCU recommends or approves the third party's site. In the same way, for the third party's site linked to this Site, this does not mean that NCU recommends or approves the third party's site.

  • (4) Excepting the linkage to any of the sites listed below or sites that could fall in their category, NCU permits any site to freely link to this Site as a general rule without asking NCU for the permission of linkage or reporting the linkage to NCU. Therefore, NCU will not respond to any requests for linkage.
    ?Sites offensive to public order and moral
    ?Sites that could lead to any criminal act
    ?Sites containing illegal contents
    ?Sites containing contents that may lead to invasion of any property or privacy of NCU or a third party or that may defame or slander NCU or a third party
    ?Sites containing contents that may be regarded as pre-election campaigns, election campaigns or means similar thereto or the contents incompatible with the Public Offices Election Act
    ?Sites whose indications or marketing methods may violate laws
    ?Sites that could cause trouble or misunderstanding to the user
    ?Sites containing contents that may cause illegal access or system shutdown
    ?Sites that may cause misconception as if they were in some tie-up or cooperative relations with NCU
    ?Sites that may cause misconception as if NCU ecognized or supported the linking site
    ?Sites other than the above containing contents that are determined problematic by NCU

  • (5) Linkage to this Site from a third party's site should be set up to "http:www.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/" as a general rule. When a third party directly sets up a link to any contents of this Site, the third party should indicate acknowledgement that correct recognition of the contents are owned solely by NCU.

  • (6) NCU does not permit any linkage from a third party's site to any contents of this Site using frames to misrepresent the contents as if they were owned by the third party.

  • (7) NCU does not permit any third party's site to directly view a part of the contents of this Site, including images, and use them as a part of their contents.

  • (8) In setting up links from this Site to any third party's site, as long as the third party's site is open to the public and unless it is accessible to unauthorized persons, NCU may not contact or request the third party for permission.

3. Disclaimers

  • (1) The contents released to the public from this Site could contain technically or legally incomplete descriptions or literal errors. Therefore, NCU does not guarantee the preciseness of the information contained in the contents of this Site or the results from using such information, but it is the sole responsibility of the users for interpretations they derive as a result of using this Site.

  • (2) NCU has the right to have the contents of this Site subject to change without notice.

  • (3) With respect to any contents of this Site, NCU assumes no responsibility for guarantee, explicit or implicit, including no legal defect, applicability to a specific purpose nor any violation of rights.

  • (4) NCU assumes no responsibility to any users for any damage that may occur, including direct damage, indirect damage and loss of intangible damage (e.g., lost earnings, loss of information system program and data thereof).

4. Matters Related to the Copyright to the Contents of This Site

  • (1) As a general rule, the copyright to the contents of this Site (e.g., wordings, drawings, photographs, moving images, other data) and other rights are reserved by NCU, protected by the copyright specified by the Japanese Copyright Act, treaties and the copyright acts of other countries from being used beyond the scope of private usage.

  • (2) NCU strictly prohibits any third party from altering, reproducing, lending, selling, publishing, transmitting, broadcasting or otherwise using the contents of this Site without consent of the right holders. However, if individual copyrighted works have their own usages, such usage takes precedence over the preceding.

5. Important Information Acquired and Utilized through This Site

  • (1) NCU automatically records and retains the access logs for the purpose of analyzing the use trend of this Site and improving the operations of this Site.

  • (2) NCU records and retains the evaluations and opinions acquired through a questionnaire system and a feedback system for the purpose of improving the operations of this Site.

  • (3) NCU uses cookies in order to lighten the operational burden on the users. If the users invalidate their cookie, they may be unable to use a part of the functions of this Site or its service.

6. Matters Related to Recommended Environment

The following environment is recommended for using this Site:

(1) Web browser

  1. Windows Vista or above
    ?Internet Explorer 9.0 or above
    ?Firefox latest version
    ?Google Chrome latest version

  2. Mac OS
    ?Safari 5 or above
    ?Firefox latest version
    ?Google Chrome latest version

  3. iOS5 or above standard browser

  4. Android4.1or above standard browser

(2) JavaScript

To be enabled

(3)Internet connection line environment

ADSL or above

(4)Display resolution

1024×768 pixel or enhanced

7. For Inquiries/Contact

For any inquiry about this Site Policy or comment or opinion on this Site, please address to the following:
Municipal University Corporation Nagoya City University
1, Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 467-8601
Tel: +81-52-853-8328
Fax: +81-52-853-0551
Attn: Planning and Public Relations Div., Administration Office
Operating hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays (excluding national holidays, year-end and New-Year holidays). Acceptance by fax is available around the clock.