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Home >  News & Topics >  Health for All: Anemia and Stunting Problems"Introduction of SDG Ambassador Activities"

Health for All: Anemia and Stunting Problems"Introduction of SDG Ambassador Activities"

SDG 2, Target 2.2

Health for All: Anemia and Stunting Problems

Summary We decided to promote SDG 2.2 and learn more about anemia and stunting problems. We then investigated the problems in Japan and the rest of the world. It became clear that anemia and stunting are overwhelmingly more of a problem in other countries than in Japan. In response to this problem, we researched Red Cross organizations. We learned that the Red Cross organization holds blood drives for people with anemia and provides many other types of support. For example, they go to the area to volunteer, donate money, and others. Right now, there are about 5 million blood donors and 148 Red Cross blood donation rooms throughout Japan. Japanese people have the most significant shortage of type A blood despite having the largest number of possible type A blood donors. This situation indicates that only some people are willing to participate in blood donation. The members participated in a blood drive organized by栄献血ルーム(Sakae Blood Donation Room) as a volunteer this time. We learned that blood donations were in short supply, which could have been better. As a result, we called for about 500 people to donate blood, but not even one of them gave blood, which was disappointing. From now on, we would like to spread the word about this activity and get more people to donate blood.
Year/month April 2023 to July 2023
URL ncutimetoactnow Instagram account
栄献血ルーム(Sakae Blood Donation Room)